

vintage titles, victorian era style, vintage style, 2048 game


Гра: "Еволюція цивілізацій" Мета гри: Як і в 2048, мета — об'єднувати елементи, щоб досягти максимальної одиниці (цивілізації). Але замість чисел, гравець об'єднує різні етапи розвитку цивілізацій. Як грати: Ігрове поле — це сітка 4х4, на якій з'являються карти, що представляють різні етапи розвитку цивілізацій. Кожна карта представляє певний етап: первісне суспільство, сільське господарство, ранні міста, античні імперії, Середньовіччя, Ренесанс, індустріалізація, сучасність і, врешті-решт, футуристичні цивілізації. Гравець пересуває карти вгору, вниз, вліво або вправо, і коли дві однакові карти об'єднуються, вони еволюціонують у наступний рівень цивілізації. Складові гри: 1. Карти цивілізацій: 2 = Первісне суспільство. 4 = Сільське господарство. 8 = Ранні міста. 16 = Античні імперії. 32 = Середньовіччя. 64 = Ренесанс. 128 = Індустріалізація. 256 = Сучасність. 512 = Футуризм. 1024 = Гіперцивілізація. 2048 = Цивілізація майбутнього


game where you have falling blocks with numbers: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and so on, the logic of collectiong the blocks is like in the known game 2048, but you have to catch the blocks which are falling to stack your score, and avoid wrong blocks


Embark on a journey of numerical transformation with the simplified 2048 game. Craft a 4x4 grid as your battlefield and witness the merging madness unfold. Players control the direction of tile movement, guiding them towards unification. When tiles collide, they merge into a single tile, growing in strength. After each round, random tiles enter the grid, adding an element of surprise. The game ends when no more merging is possible or the grid is full. Your final score reflects your merging mastery.


protecting towers, but instead of building buildings. It will be necessary to add numbers in the style of the game 2048. Each correctly added number will cause damage equal to that number. In a round of 10 waves, monsters with a health level of 16 will attack in the first round on the first wave. Then with each wave, the opponents' health level will increase by another 16. And with each round, the health level will double, starting with the last wave.


protecting towers, but instead of building buildings. It will be necessary to add numbers in the style of the game 2048. Each correctly added number will cause damage equal to that number. In a round of 10 waves, monsters with a health level of 16 will attack in the first round on the first wave. Then with each wave, the opponents' health level will increase by another 16. And with each round, the health level will double, starting with the last wave.


The goal of the game is to combine tiles with the same number to reach the coveted tile with the number 2048. The game is played on a 4x4 grid, and each turn allows you to swipe the tiles in four directions - up, down, left, or right. At the start of the game, you are presented with two tiles, usually numbered 2 or 4. You can swipe the tiles in a direction, and if two tiles with the same number collide, they merge into a single tile with the sum of their values. After each swipe, a new tile appears in a random empty spot on the grid


the kotlin android game where you have falling blocks with numbers: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and so on, the logic of collectiong the blocks is like in the known game 2048, but you have to catch the blocks which are falling to stack your score, and avoid wrong blocks


in this game we will add up the numbers to the number 2048


in this game we will add up the numbers to the number 2048


इसमें 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 को जोड़कर 2048 बनाना होगा


The objective of the game is to slide numbered tiles on a grid to combine them to create a tile with the number 2048; however, one can continue to play the game after reaching the goal, creating tiles with larger numbers.


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