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create a 2048 game
Swipe the tile left or right or up or down to get 2048, every combination the number gets doubled
Advanced version of 2048
A hybrid of Pong, 2048 and Tetris
pictures instead of numbers 2048
The puzzling game of 2048 challenged players to use strategy and logic. Sliding tiles across the numeric grid, combining those that matched into ever higher values, was the aim. Methodically plotting each maneuver to clear room so additions could spawn was crucial to achieving the titular 2048 tile. Though deceptively simple in concept, deft manipulation was required to avoid being boxed in by building blocks unwilling to merge. Careful planning and lateral thinking were employed to carefully herd numbers together into summation without exceeding grid capacity. Reaching that peak power of two to the power of eleven was satisfying, showing one's skill in manipulation within strict spatial constraints.
The puzzling game of 2048 challenged players to use strategy and logic. Sliding tiles across the numeric grid, combining those that matched into ever higher values, was the aim. Methodically plotting each maneuver to clear room so additions could spawn was crucial to achieving the titular 2048 tile. Though deceptively simple in concept, deft manipulation was required to avoid being boxed in by building blocks unwilling to merge. Careful planning and lateral thinking were employed to carefully herd numbers together into summation without exceeding grid capacity. Reaching that peak power of two to the power of eleven was satisfying, showing one's skill in manipulation within strict spatial constraints.
The puzzling game of 2048 challenged players to use strategy and logic. Sliding tiles across the numeric grid, combining those that matched into ever higher values, was the aim. Methodically plotting each maneuver to clear room so additions could spawn was crucial to achieving the titular 2048 tile. Though deceptively simple in concept, deft manipulation was required to avoid being boxed in by building blocks unwilling to merge. Careful planning and lateral thinking were employed to carefully herd numbers together into summation without exceeding grid capacity. Reaching that peak power of two to the power of eleven was satisfying, showing one's skill in manipulation within strict spatial constraints.
Cube falling from bottom to top. Top and sides have collision. they stuck like in 2048
make a game that works like 2048 but it goes backwards
vintage titles, victorian era style, vintage style, 2048 game
Гра: "Еволюція цивілізацій" Мета гри: Як і в 2048, мета — об'єднувати елементи, щоб досягти максимальної одиниці (цивілізації). Але замість чисел, гравець об'єднує різні етапи розвитку цивілізацій. Як грати: Ігрове поле — це сітка 4х4, на якій з'являються карти, що представляють різні етапи розвитку цивілізацій. Кожна карта представляє певний етап: первісне суспільство, сільське господарство, ранні міста, античні імперії, Середньовіччя, Ренесанс, індустріалізація, сучасність і, врешті-решт, футуристичні цивілізації. Гравець пересуває карти вгору, вниз, вліво або вправо, і коли дві однакові карти об'єднуються, вони еволюціонують у наступний рівень цивілізації. Складові гри: 1. Карти цивілізацій: 2 = Первісне суспільство. 4 = Сільське господарство. 8 = Ранні міста. 16 = Античні імперії. 32 = Середньовіччя. 64 = Ренесанс. 128 = Індустріалізація. 256 = Сучасність. 512 = Футуризм. 1024 = Гіперцивілізація. 2048 = Цивілізація майбутнього
of 48
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