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A stickman game set in a 2D world where the player must kill monsters and progress to the end of each level. The game features infinite levels, with each subsequent level becoming progressively harder. At the end of each level, the player can choose from 3 random powers and 3 weapons. If the player loses, they receive a game over and must restart from level 1. During levels, players can find chests containing powers or weapons. The maps are randomly generated and include traps like spikes that deal damage. The player has 10 HP and can jump, move back, and move forward. Main Menu: The main menu could include the following options: Start Game - Begin a new game from level 1. Continue - Resume the last game played (if applicable). Options - Adjust game settings such as sound, controls, and graphics. Instructions - View the game controls and objectives. High Scores - Display the top scores achieved by players. Exit - Quit the game.

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