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The game is for two players, who take turns to control their tanks. The interface shows the board, the tanks, the energy bars, the shots, and the buttons for moving, rotating, and shooting. To select a tank, the player clicks on it. The game shows the possible actions in squares around the tank. To move or rotate, the player clicks on a square. To shoot, the player clicks on a target. The game indicates whose turn it is by highlighting their tanks or showing a message.The game is a chess-like strategy game with tanks. Each player has 3 tanks with 3 energy, 1 shot, and 2 health each. The board is 8x8 with some obstacles. Tanks can move forward, backward, or sideways by rotating first. Each move or rotation costs 1 energy. Tanks can shoot at targets within 2 blocks. Each shot costs 1 energy and 1 shot. Shots can destroy tanks or obstacles. The game ends when one player has no tanks or both players have no shots. The player with more tanks wins. If equal, it’s a draw.

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