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Flappy bird style game of a coin flying from left to right avoiding random obstacles from the top and bottom of the screen for as long as possible. There is a gap between obstacles for the coin to fly through which is getting smaller by 1 pixel for every 50 pixels the coin passes. The default gap size is 3 times the size of the coin. The coin starting position is the middle of the screen vertically and 50 pixels from the left side. While the user touches or clicks the screen the coin moves upward, once the user stops it starts flying downward. Movement is 25px per second and increases automatically every 5 second by 10%. A timer counting the play time duration should be shown in the top-right corner. In case the coin hits an obstacle, the top or bottom of the screen, the user will see an explosion, the game will stop and the show a festive pop-up with the final score in the middle of the screen. Clicking anywhere on the screen will reset the timer and progress and restart the game.

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