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Pong is a two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis. The game takes place on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. On each side of the net is a paddle that can move up and down. The objective is to hit a ball back and forth between paddles, trying to get it past your opponent's paddle. As the ball hits a paddle, it bounces off and travels back across the court. Each player can only control the vertical movement of their own paddle along the left or right side. Points are scored when one player fails to return the ball to the other paddle before it crosses their side of the court. The ball speeds up throughout the game, making it harder to react in time. The first player to reach a certain score wins the round. Pong requires quick reflexes and strategy to determine paddle placement and angles to outplay your opponent. The simple two-dimensional graphics and gameplay made Pong an influential and commercially successful game in the early history of video games.

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